Class |
Merit: Name of Pupil(s) |
Merit: Reason for commendation |
Effort: Name of Pupil(s) |
Effort: Reason for commendation |
1T |
Tracey Ruwoko |
Super Reader |
Minana Mandizha |
Super Reader |
1M |
Adiwa Chada |
Excellent submission of assignments on time. |
Zandile Zviuya |
Improved effort in general performance. |
2M |
Ruth Nhimura |
Writing very interesting story. |
Tanyaradzwa Chatigu |
Learning Shona very fast |
3C |
Taonashe Maravanyika Sharmaine Ncube. |
Excellent standard of achievement in the mid-year exams and online lessons |
Maureen Mutamiri |
Pleasing participation,steady progress and consistency noted in the online lessons |
4D |
Tatyana Chawota. |
developing a positive attitude towards her maths |
Andreous Nakhozwe |
for handing in all his work this week |
4M |
Tatiana Matibuka |
Great improvement and zeal for work in all subjects |
Matipa Mazani |
Handing in neat work on time |
5M |
Ronald Chafesuka |
Good progress in his Mathematics |
Nokutenda Mtisi |
Great effort in online learning through use of various work submission platforms. |
6N |
Carol Nyamayaro |
For working diligently in all the subjects. |
Esther Nhimura |
For doing all the assigned work carefully. |
6W |
Fortunate Nyamhosva |
For doing well in percentage fractions . |
Matinatsa Mawoyo |
For doing well in Online lessons as well as turning timeously at all times. |
Snr Shona |
Lloyd Musasa 7N |
For being consistent throughout in Revision exercises. |
Kudakwashe Chakandinakira 5N. |
For working diligently this week. |
7N |
Takudzwa Damba
Tanatswa Zvinoitavanhu
Rukudzo Murapa |
Improved marks in revision. Rukudzo is displaying maturity in the way he is doing his schoolwork. |
Lisa Dube |
Working very hard to catch up with others, she missed all online lessons. |
7W |
Takunda Pondo |
Doing very well in revision tests |
Tendai Chinoperekwei |
He is pushing himself |
Luyanda Kambanje |
Submission of work |
Avisha Nerwanda |
Submission of online lessons on time |
George Mutavayi |
Participating well during Mid Year tests revision. |
Cailyn Chitiyo |
Great effort in lesson on Network. |
Sport/P.E. |
Makanaka Mutsemi |
Always participates fully and does all tasks given. |
Shalom Makombe |
Participates fully |